As GamenianTabele was created Open Source, it is our intention to keep it Open Source. We welcome suggestions, as well as patches, modifications, or features that you feel that you can add to the code. Visit our forums to talk about GamenianTabele and any additions to the code that you can contribute, or that you would like to request. You will find a link on our “Downloads” page.
As per the request of the Original Creators, GamenianTabele code is considered “non-infectious”, and no “infectious” code - such as code covered under the GNU license - is permitted to be used in GamenianTabele or any derivative thereof.
GamenianTabele may be freely modified, subject to the stipulations above, downloaded, and distributed, so long as all previous contributors remain cited and credited.
Website images courtesy of Gwindel and used with permission.
Website Design by nijineko.
GamenianTabele forums by Nijineko.
Legal Considerations
GamenianTabele Legal Considerations
GamenianTabele is provided to you free of charge, and by downloading, installing, or running GamenianTabele you agree to indemnify and hold blameless all Creators, Developers, Engineers and other code contributors. No warranty of any kind is extended towards your software, hardware, network, or any other portion of infrastructure.
That being said, we do care about our community, and if you find a bug or undiscovered feature, please report it to us on the forums. There is a link on the “Links” page.
GamenianTabele is Open Source software and Freeware.