As GamenianTabele was created Open Source, it is our intention to keep it Open Source always. We welcome suggestions as well as patches, mods, or features that you feel that you can add to the code. Visit our forums to talk about GamenianTabele and any additions to the code that you can contribute, or that you would like to request. You will find a link on our “Downloads” page.
Installation of GamenianTabele is simple and easy, as all of GamenianTabele is. Download the zip file to your hard drive, and place it in the folder that you want it in. Unzip the archive file. To launch GamenianTabele, click directly on the Gametable.jar file that you just unzipped. Older systems may need to use the Gametable.bat file to launch GamenianTabele.
GamenianTabele is written in Java so that it will support as many operating systems as possible. Please make sure that your operating system supports Java. Additionally, not all operating systems come with Java pre-installed. The Java Runtime Environment is available freely from Sun’s website. You will find a link on our “Downloads” page.
The point of GamenianTabele is not to emulate any one game. It instead emulates the tabletop upon which the game would be played. Think of it as a dream combination table, giant map, dry-erase board, and save game doodad.
About The Team
About GamenianTabele
Head Engineer: Vacant
Engineer: Vacant
Wiki: Nijineko
Head Artiste: Gwindel
Website: Nijineko
You, the Community: We would be nowhere without our community of users, supporters and fans!
Your Name Here?: Join our Team!
Special thanks to Rizban, Tripwire, Doctor, Dummy, and themaze75 for contributing valuable additions to the GamenianTabele code! And to Walkerp, Heruca, and Gwindel for valuable advice and tips! And of course to Andy and Iffy for creating GamenianTabele, and giving it to the community at large!
GamenianTabele was originally created by the Creator Team of Andy (Sephalon) Weir and David (Iffy) Ghandehari. Later, contributions of community members were also added into the code. Currently, GamenianTabele has been turned over to the Community as a whole, and We run with it!